Basic Fretboard Lesson

Fretboard visualization and familiarization

In this lesson, I will be sharing on how to familiarize and visualize the fretboard so that it will be easy for you to know where you are on the fretboard and the easy way to remember where you are on the fretboard.

Also in this lesson, this is a preparation for the more advanced lesson in the future. It is the most basic and essential part of guitar learning to start and memorize or know your way on the fretboard. Like for example the dots or some would call it inlays, what is the purpose of the dots and how to use it.

Lastly, when you know the fretboard well, it's easy for you to remember and use scales and modes. Also it becomes easy for you to transpose chords, riffs and lead stuff. Finally, it will help you when you are doing guitar solos.

Hope this video helps. Good luck!
