Welcome to I want to learn the guitar


Welcome to I WANT TO LEARN THE GUITAR. This blog is intended to a newbie, beginner or someone who is interested to learn how to play the guitar. I will be doing lessons, giving tips and guides on how to start to play the guitar based on my knowledge, understanding and experiences especially that I, myself, is a self-taught musician.

I learned how to play the guitar by observing musicians in my birthplace, reading from a Jingle (songbook) and talking to musicians or guitarists I met along the way.

I grew up with musicians in the family. My immediate family are music-lovers. But the biggest influence for me in terms of guitar as well as keyboards is my uncle. They used to jam in our neighbour's house and I use to sit and watch them. I observed everyone little details from the drummer, bassist, guitarist and keyboardist. 

I started to learn the guitar when I was 9. I asked my brother if I can have his guitar. I hide in our bedroom and fiddle with the guitar. My dad told me to ask my uncle if he got his old Jingle (songbook) so I can start learning chords and songs. My mum's co-teacher got loads of old Jingle (songbook) in their house, so we went there as well and got some from them. That's where it all started and then my Uncle from Manila came home and heard me play. He then introduce to me finger plucking and other tips, techniques as well as shortcuts in playing the guitar. Also he gave me a much modern songbook, a lot thicker and more songs in it. That speed up my learning curb. And up to this day, he is my guitar hero or music hero in general.

Please subscribe and follow me in this journey. Hope that you will learn something and share it to anyone you know. Thank you very much!

