

The main objective of this site is to share my knowledge, skills and experience on playing the guitar. This will help people, both young and adults, who are interested to learn the guitar albeit play simple tunes or just simply having fun in learning things about the guitar from parts, usage, kinds and types of guitar and its accessories.


This site or blog is not intended for guitarist who wants advanced lessons or wanted to be experts. It takes an expert teacher to develop an expert student, and for sure Im not that person. If you are a beginner or a person who has no previous knowledge or experience about the guitar, then you are on the right blog. If you already know a lot of things about the guitar, then better close this page and look on other sites. To those who enjoy learning things everyday from anyone, then you have the privilege to make use of this site and enjoy.

You can download my free eBook using this link.  I want to learn the guitar book 1.
